The Little Mermaid
“When words fail, music speaks”
My parents always preached “If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything at all.” I used to think this meant say only nice things. Now I take this as a message to be clear about what I say. Be Direct. Be prudent, perhaps, yet judicious with your words - or song.
There is something about Voice that literally cuts to the core of us because it IS us. It is our Instrument. It is not only our physiology, but a major conduit from our mind, our selves and certainly our expression. The Voice is arguably the most vulnerable of all instruments. While expressing through Voice, it can be such a balance to remain relaxed and receptive and yet maintain a strong hide or container.
I peer at the Little Mermaid sitting on the rock, seemingly searching or waiting for something beyond herself. The Little Mermaid with her golden tone, bargained her Voice away for what she wanted, or thought she wanted - something other than who she was. When Voices are bought, they are not true. When Voices are silenced, we all suffer.
Andersen’s fairy tale, like all good stories, teaches me. It reminds me to not give my Voice away. Don’t settle for less. Don’t give anyone power over my Voice, my Say, my Life. Remain true to myself, and Voice myself. Dig a little deeper. When faced with challenges, like any good jazz musician ~ improvise!
My eternal quest and question is - What is it I must express to be true to myself, and in my Truth, might I also contribute beyond self to the greater good of humanity?