Deeper Magic
“But what does it all mean?” asked Susan when they were somewhat calmer. “It means,” said Aslan, “that though the Witch knew the Deep Magic, there is a magic deeper still which she did not know. Her knowledge goes back only to the dawn of time.”
So much to ponder these days. And pondering, I am.
Knowing when to take action is always the question. It’s flow. Or to draw out my sword.
Like breathing in and out, we are receiving information, processing data, and responding, continuously. We do this every waking moment, consciously, or unconsciously. How alert are we? I try to be as alert as possible but, goodness knows, sometimes we all need respite, comfort, and quite possibly complete silence.
I write often about the art of listening, the power of listening, and the importance of listening. As a human, it is one of our ways of perceiving the world. As a musician, it is one of my important tools. As a spiritual practice, it is imperative.
As a young girl, my big sister read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis to me aloud. I was wrapt with wonder at this “otherworld” of Narnia, full of mythological creatures who talked and took tea, the icy coldness of the evil White Witch and the warmth of the lion, Aslan, who encompassed all compassion and all-knowing power. It was more than good triumphing over evil. Aslan was a lion who could fly, be ever-present, and knew when to be “on the move.” He drew on Deeper Magic, something universal and deep from within and without. This cosmology would shape my world for years to come.
When I am on stage, it is this deeper listening, heightened listening on all levels. When it happens, I am really, really deep in the music. Listening intently, not only to the notes and harmonic movement but what needs to happen next. What’s happening not only in the room but what energy might need to shift. What change agent might I allow myself to be? Lofty thought, perhaps. But I’m always listening for the Deeper Magic and hoping she will come through me, through us, through the music.
In this season of drawing toward Winter Light, Winter Solstice, Advent, Time Within, whatever your traditions or none, may you find some Deeper Magic at play. Take a deep breath, listen without and within. Deeper Magic is always around, in the air, and everywhere. Can you hear it?
*This is one of my favorite photos of myself taken by the divine WRFG Jazz DJ Ralph Rice. Affectionately referred to as “Papa Rice.”