Facilitate a Strategic Awakening
“The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don’t go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep….”
Facilitate a strategic awakening. I stumbled on these painted words, walking the streets of NY some years ago. Searching among my library in quest for another photograph last week, it popped out at me, in neon lights.
Facilitate a strategic awakening. Is that possible? Or is it a mere illusion of control? As we cross the year mark of the challenging Covid-19 pandemic, I notice the varying stages of readiness and comfort we each have in emerging into this brave new world. Awakening from our long winter’s nap. For some a nightmare. 40 days and nights gone on too long.
Shots in arms, some folks are bolting out the door and taking to the streets singing “Hallelujah!”. Others shyly emerge, peer out the door, taking one step at a time. As if approaching an ocean swim, some dive right in, others prefer to take it in stride. Some only go part way, and others never dare to go at all.
Shot or no, some brothers and sisters remain weeping and wailing. No light in sight. Awakened to heightened sense and sensibilities of our friends, neighbors, and the multitude of inequities that for too long have persisted, can we prevent ourselves from going back to sleep? Awakened to the delicate, intricate web of life on this planet, how we all depend desperately on each other to be well and rid of this disease for our lives’ sake, how might we stay awake?
In our brave new world, can we facilitate a strategic awakening? Orchestrate it? Wake from our slumber, shake off the dust? Help others on the path? And what do you want of this new life? The rhythm has changed, the melody and harmonies altered. Ever-listening for answers to this unsolved mystery, part of the greater Mystery, so vital to existence, toning and chanting bolster my prayer and mantra practice as I ponder next steps. When to put a toe in. When to dive. How about you?
“People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don’t go back to sleep.”