A Reverence for Silence
“I spoke Silence better than I spoke Spanish or English.”
This is My Year of Truth and the truth is - I love Silence.
This pandemic and the death and loss it is causing is horrific. No question. I wouldn’t wish it. Shuttering in place brings a vast array of challenges. All of us are suffering in some way. Musicians and artists are all struggling. However, with concerts and performances canceled, look at the various ways we are all connecting; streaming, FaceTime chats, apps that allow people from different parts of the world to perform together, leaning out of balconies to sing together. Humans are so creative and resilient.
As an artist, I work mostly in solitude until I am ready to bring my material to bandmates or other collaborators. Communication by email and hours of planning time are all done from the comfort of my home. I’m rather accustomed to this way of existence. Don’t get me wrong, I adore performing, collaborating, and traveling. But for me, Listening is imperative, both inner and outer. Wherever I am, I am going about my work, in Silence, until it’s time to make noise.
On the Myers-Briggs Personality Score, I waiver on the cusp of introvert/extrovert. Frankly, as I age, I believe I am more introvert. It is here where I can hear my Source, sense of self, and inner Voice. Since I was a child, I have always contented myself with music, reading, and handwork. That basic tenet of who I am has not changed.
During this time, what I want is to be quiet, still, and Silent. I want to listen for what is next. What is the next right step? What, if anything, is there for me to do or say that contributes to society?
I hold a reverence for the Silence and simplicity of life. My home. My intimate partner. My family. Health. Well-being. Yes, I miss live music terribly, my friends, my mobile freedom. They will return. Time for sound-making will come. But for now, this is enough.
I almost believe I can even hear the this fern unfolding. I wonder what will unfold next?
But for now, Silence, please.
“After Silence, that which comes closest to expressing the inexpressible is music.”
I have written frequently about Silence and Listening. For more, read my Blogs especially from 2018 My Year of Listening.