Truth to Power
Photographer Shahidul Alam, TIME magazine Person of the Year 2018
“Truth to Power” Exhibit @ the Rubin Museum of Art, NY, NY
“You will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free.”
“The Truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”
How is it possible to know the Truth? Do we ever know the Truth? Perhaps not, but I sure make a point of trying to get at the Truth. I don’t find my Truth by being loud and out front. Much of my artistic time is spent in research, gathering information, observing, reading, and then going in to quiet and reflection to digest and discern what is mine to do and say, if anything.
But I wonder - are we really Listening? I mean deep Listening - to know and find our own Truths?
For me, the only way to Truth and ultimately, Freedom and its ultimate Power, is to address my own issues. To look deep inside and clean out or shed light on the corners of my heart and soul. How can I find and share my deepest Truth, strength, or any sign of hope, if I don’t take time for Reflection? Sensing a turbulent country, in 2018, I was inspired to write this song after this chorus came bubbling up in me like an ancient mantra:
Can we Find the Path to Freedom by the Truth in our Lives
Find the Courage, Strength, & Hope to stand tall
Resurrect ourselves, correct ourselves, and pay our dues
Hear my Battle Cry ~ I will live in Truth or Die.
(“Hear My Battle Cry,” copyright 2019)
When I discovered that one of my absolute favorite places, The Rubin Museum of Art, has a current exhibit entitled Clapping With Stones: Art & Acts of Resistance, and Truth to Power, it so resonated with me that I swiftly went to see it. Enamored with the Rubin's Buddhist perspective on non-violent resistance, I was also inspired to offer a Singing/Listening Retreat for our Winter Solstice this December.
We’ll spend time in Reflection based at the Rubin Museum and celebrate the Winter Solstice with the Paul Winter Consort’s 40th annual concert event at the world’s largest cathedral, St John the Divine, where so many artists are venerated. We’ll hear Toshi Reagon, civil rights activist/singer-songwriter and daughter of legendary Bernice Reagon Johnson (Sweet Honey in the Rock) as well as the melange of sounds that emanate from the epicenter of culture, New York.
(For more information and to Register, visit here: 2019 NY Winter Solstice Retreat — V-A Virginia Schenck — Vocal Artist — Atlanta).
In this era of utter inequality, racial and so many other injustices, I’m asking myself: What is my part in this? What’s my own Truth, can I find Truth, and how can I make a difference? In Reflection, I believe we can access the knowledge, wisdom, and Power of the ages to summon our Courage, build our Strength, and focus on Hope. Each Voice matters, and can lead us to Compassionate Action and Resilience.
As for me, the stakes are just this ~ I will live in Truth - or die.
“We don’t play comedy, we don’t play drama. We play the Truth….You play the reality of the moment.”